This may seem contradicting. If you want to start learning about photography, why would you go on to ignore everything? For one simple reason: our creativity. When we get caught up in all the settings and options our camera offers at the very beginning, we get so overwhelmed that we forget the most important thing in photography, creativity.
Photography thrives on one simple thing, our own personal outlook on the world. That's what can help us stand out from the rest. Your first mission is to go out in to world and just start taking photographs. Simply start. Find your unique vision.
This is what the first ever camera looked like. It's the camera obscura (latin for "dark room") in which we can observe the basic principles of the optical phenomenon that occurs when light comes through a small hole.
Your camera is exactly the same. Yes, a few bits and bobs have been added to yours and it looks more complicated, but the basic principle is the same. Some of the stuff that has been added to cameras over the years is quite handy, although some of it is not.
After all, like I said before, it isn't really about the whole technological know-how side of it, photography is much more about developing your personal vision. All the rest is just there to help you. The most important thing is that you have a good idea, the rest will come.
So when you start to get nervous or overwhelmed around your camera just remeber, it's a box with a hole in it.
If you want to have a handy little manual that isn't full of theoratical mumbo jumbo, check our "Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs" by Henry Garrol (link below!). I highly recommend this book. Not only is it a life saver in the way it explains photography in such a simple, clear way, I find it's a great book to have no matter how advanced you get in photography to look back on and gain a clear perspective every now and again.